Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Cogo Editor tool settings

  • New — Creates a new deed file.
  • Open — Opens an existing deed file containing the metes and bounds of parcels. Using standard syntax, these files can be extracted from a database or copied from deeds. GEOPAK formatted data (GPK or TXT) can opened directly and loaded into the COGO dialog.
  • Save — Saves the current deed file.
  • Save As — Saves the current deed file with a new name.
  • Quit — Closes the Cogo Editor.
  • Cut — Removes the active line.
  • Copy — Copies the active line.
  • Paste — Pastes the last cut or copied line above the active line.
  • Move Up — Moves a line up in the Command List.
  • Move Down — Moves a line down in the Command List.
Tools > Cogo Digitizer Opens the Cogo Digitizer, which allows you to draw (digitize) parcels directly on screen.

Power Line Key-in This field is designed for advanced users. It facilitates data entry in shorthand form for rapid key-in of parcel boundary descriptions. This shorthand syntax conforms to the following guidelines:
  • If a line contains a P character, the key-in is interpreted as a STORE POINT command. For example, P 1267451,456782 = STO POI 456782 1267451 0.0
  • If a line contains an N or S character, the key-in is interpreted as a bearing within a LOCATE TRAVERSE command. For example,

    N 42 34 E 257.6 = LOC TRAV DIS 257.6 N 42 34 0.00 E

    S 34.5 W 308 = LOC TRAV DIS 308 S 34 30 W

  • If a line contains an R or L character, the key-in is interpreted as either a radius or a length within a STORE CURVE type command. Curves may contain the following characters: R for radius, L for length, C for long chord, A for delta angle, T for tangent, CC or LC for counterclockwise or curve left, and CL or RC for clockwise or curve right. For example,

    R 80 L 125 RC = STO CURV PC __ DB __ P R 80 L 125

    R 100 L 385 CC = STO CURV PC __ DB __ M R 100 L 385

    A 111.01 C 131.86 LC = STO CURV PC __ DB __ M R 80 L 155

  • If a line contains all numeric characters, the key-in is a 10 key shorthand notation for a LOCATE TRAVERSE command. Within this context, bearing is given first followed by a distance. Keypad notations: 8=N, 2=S, 6=E, 4=W. For example,

    8 42 34 6 257.6 = LOC TRAV DIS 257.6 N 42 34 0.00 E

    2 34.5 4 308 = LOC TRAV DIS 308 S 34 30 W

Command List When boundary descriptions are entered into the Cogo Editor, the descriptions appear one line per boundary edge in the Command list box. A boundary edge can be a straight line or various types of curves.
  • Line 1 — Lists the parcel identifier (or Unidentified).
  • Line 2 — Lists the from point-of-beginning (From_POB) indicator.
  • Line 3 through n — Contains a boundary description for each edge of the parcel.
  • Last Line — Lists the to point-of-beginning (To_POB) indicator.
Display Set to either Display, Insert, or Alter.
Figure Closed If the figure is closed, this message displays next to the Display field. If the figure is not closed, this message displays the distance required for closure. Sometimes the legal boundary descriptions on a deed do not close the parcel. For most operations, however, like reconstructing a Cogo session, parcel descriptions must close.
Identifier Lists the parcel identifier (or Unidentified).
Precision Input Tools These tools facilitate accurate and rapid data entry. Using these tools is the typical way of entering boundary descriptions.
  • Insert Bearing Line — Draws a line with the specified bearing.

  • Insert Deflection Line — Draws edges based on deflection angles along a previous bearing in either a forward or reverse direction.

  • Insert Curve — Draws a curved boundary.

  • Insert Non-Tangent Arc — Draws a non-tangent curve.

  • Insert Tangent — Draws a tangent line, or a line that is the continuation, in the forward direction, of the last curve defined.

  • Close Figure — Closes the parcel.

  • Load By Point — The Cogo interface uses the Alignment Management System (AMS). This high precision data storage system enables Cadastral Mapping Configuration to reconstruct legal deed record descriptions to their original degree of accuracy.

  • Load By Topology Reference Point — This tools works like Load By Point by using a topology reference point.

  • COGO – Change the Point of Beginning — This tool forces the terminating point of the current deed call (the Point) to become the new Point-Of-Beginning (POB) of the parcel and the deed calls are re-order/re-calculated based upon that starting point. The POB also serves as the handle for placing parcels from the traverse – see Place.

Place Draws and places the parcel in the parcel map.
Key-in: COGO Key-in: EDITOR